OrtoPed ULC Compliance Reporting System

Any Canadian or United States employee, vendor, or customer may report any concerns regarding fraud, abuse, or other related compliance issues. This Compliance Reporting System ensures that anyone has access to a 24/7, confidential, and anonymous reporting website to voice concerns. 

How do I report?

If you have any compliance observations to report, please know that you can report concerns through any of the following reporting channels: 

  1. Toll-Free Telephone: 
    • English & French speaking Canada: 855-725-0002 
    • English speaking USA: 855-222-4549 
    • Spanish speaking USA: 800-216-1288 
  2. Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/ortoped
  3. E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (please include our company’s name with report) 
  4. Fax: 215-689-3885 (please include our company’s name with report) 
  5. Reporting App: 
    • We offer an app to report your concern. In the App store, use the search term “Anonymous Reporting by Lighthouse Services.” Within the app, use keyword “OrtoPed” to submit your report. More detailed app instructions are available here

What can I report? 

The Compliance Reporting System is used to report violations of law or OrtoPed’s internal policies including but not limited to: fraud, corruption, theft, discrimination, sexual harassment, extortion, breaches of secrecy, accounting irregularities, environmental protection, health and safety, as well as child and forced labor. 

Will I be protected? 

OrtoPed has a strict non-retaliation policy. Anyone who retaliates against another employee or witness because of a complaint, or because of participation in any investigation, will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.